Children's Character Development Book Series Showcases Mules online learning trail riding Jul 09, 2024

Adventures at Von Holten Ranch is a book series consisting of six books with each book featuring a different horse or mule from Von Holten Ranch in Mora, Missouri!  Book number two and six, bring a mule to the spotlight for different character development lessons.  Book number two,...

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What to do if Your Equine is Not Good at Trail horsemanship and training trail riding Mar 31, 2024

If you ask 100 people if equine are good on the trail riding, I expect 95% would rave about their horses/mules.  What about the other 5%?  I own one of those mules.  Well, if he is in the middle of a calm group, he is solid, but if I put him in the front, then it is like I am...

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How Will Your Horse React country tough trail versatility horsemanship and training obstacle course trail riding Mar 15, 2024

Most trainers will tell you that your horse can only go up, down, left, right, forward, or backwards.  Horses are spunky creatures and with them being two wheel drive, I am here to tell you the new and improved ways in which your horse can react.

Yabba Dabba Doo

In the Yabba Dabba Doo, there...

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Traveling to New Campgrounds with Your Equine country tough trail versatility equine competition equine health trail riding traveling with equine Feb 01, 2024

As a facility owner and event host, I have seen the same situations time after time.  Here are some tips to assure you have an even more enjoyable time while venturing out to trail riding and event facilities.

Negative Coggins Test and Health Certificates

When you pull into a facility for...

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Don't Jump, Dang it! country tough trail versatility horsemanship and training trail riding Jan 31, 2024

You see a ditch crossing in your path coming up and you know exactly what your mule is about to do; JUMP IT!  Now, if your mule is anything like my old barrel horse, it can’t just jump it enough to clear the ditch.  Nope, your mule has to clear something as wide as a lake and as...

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